Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Base coated the flesh on the swordswoman:

I'm still debating what colors to use for her. I know it's going to be dark brown hair. As for the rest, she looks ranger-ish to me so I'm leaning towards browns and greens, maybe some gray. I might do a camouflage on the cloak, or I might do something with a bit of freehand. Haven't decided yet.

Also, after doing the rat a couple days ago, I've decided to try doing a familiar a day this week. Today, I stuck with the rodent family and painted up a squirrel:

I should have gotten a shot of him with  something else for scale. He's pretty small. The top of his tail comes up to about mid-thigh on a human mini from the same line. 

Made some more wood bases for the bar matron. I'll stain those tomorrow with different products and see how they all come out.

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