Saturday, September 22, 2018

Cowboy: Assembly Part 2. Marcus: Shading Skin.

Continued the assembly of the cowboy today by using some putty to get fill the joint in the torso and then gluing on his hat and left arm. Next time I will putty those two spots. Probably I will deal with the coat piece after that, and then do his other arm last since it seems most likely to be in the way/get damaged while working on the coat.

I also experimented with Apoxie putty a little bit. I found it is much like the Mulliput I use for basing. It's much less rubbery than green stuff. I will probably try it for the coat and see how it goes. One thing it doesn't seem to do that green stuff does is smooth across a surface; it just breaks apart instead. This could be good or bad. With green stuff, it does let me smooth the green stuff out, but never as much as I want because the green stuff contracts a little as it cures, so after it has cured I often end up with an edge where I had thought I'd gotten everything smooth.

I also got back to Marcus here:

I just did a first round of shading on his skin.

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