Monday, March 18, 2019

Jynx: Color Blocking

I started with testing a skin color I haven't used before on Jynx - Reaper Bones Warrior Skin. It's a similar value as RMS Tanned Skin, but a little more red and less brown. As I was debating shadow colors for her skin, I decided I was going to make her orb spell effect thing there glowing purple. Glowing means OSL.

OSL requires a little planning and forethought. Color choices can have a pretty significant effect on the end result. So, I decided I wanted to do a color test before getting into shading and highlighting.

One of the guidelines for effective OSL is that the light source needs to be the brightest thing on the figure. I mean, it's a light source. So the purple globe will end up with a white center. It also means that the surrounding things - her clothes, hair, skin, etc. - need to not be light colors. That's why I went with a darker Caucasian tone.

Next, that purple is going to be the basis of the highlight color everywhere the light from that globe falls. So, it needs to play nicely with the colors it's going to get layered on to, but also not look like a 'normal' highlight color for those items.

Anyway, I think these colors will work (though I wish the purple was a little more saturated - I might be able to fix that), so next time I work on her I'll start with the shading and highlighting. At that point, I'll talk a bit about OSL and the directionality of highlights and shadows.

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