Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Tower: Roof

 I didn't feel up to working on anything that I wanted to do well with today, so I went back to the clock tower and experimented with how to deal with the roof. I learned an important question: Do Not Do It This Way.

So the pyramid part of the frame went fine. It was putting in the little 'rafters' that was a problem. Getting them to fit right, be at a consistent length on the bottom, hold them in place while dealing with the was a mess. All that just because I want the ends to show on the underside of the roof. 

So I think what I'm going to do it snip those rafters off, clad the thing with cardboard, and then stick just the end parts of the rafters underneath. They'll just be decorations, not structural as they would be in a real building,'s not a real building. 

The roof slope is also maybe steeper than I'd like, but I don't think I'm going to change it.

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