Saturday, April 19, 2014

New camera

My husband declared that, when compared to the real thing, the pictures I've been taking do not do the figures justice, and therefore I should get a better camera. So, we bought one today. I am still experimenting with using it and I expect that to get better over time.

As for Larry, I think he's about done but the base. I'll get back to the base later, but for now, I finished the metal bits, did the globe, and then the OSL from the globe. OSL is not one of my strong suits.

So, here he is with the old camera:

New camera with the lens that came with it:

New camera with a macro lens:

I'm not seeing a huge benefit to the macro lens. The new camera seems to have a little more saturation and higher contrast overall. Both of them show the yellow from the globe as being a little more prevalent than I think it looks in person, though I may go back and look at that again.

As for his base, I didn't have a plan in mind when I started. I should have. I'm not going to take him off the integral base - it would have been difficult before I painted him, and now I wouldn't be able to without destroying the paint job. I thought about putting him in a lipped base of some kind and then build up around it, but he doesn't fit. :p So, I think I'll leave him as-is, paint the base, and then put some grass and/or rocks on it to dress it up a bit.

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