Thursday, June 2, 2022

Warsong Revenant: Base

 Started a new 32mm figure. This is the Warsong Revenant from Games Workshop...or at least his base. This figure comes in many, many parts, and determining what can be put together and what has to be painted before the next piece can be's like a puzzle. 

In any case, here's his base. I had most of it put together, but one of the fern pieces was going to make it hard to paint some of the stuff around it. So, I painted the area under and behind, and then glued the fern on. 

Next, I'm going to put some texture paste around it to being the ground up to the edge of the base, and then add some more plants. After that I'm going to have to start making some decisions pretty quickly. I painted a figure from this faction last year or the year before, and I gave it fall coloring. Based on the plants here, this figure really wants to be more of a spring/early summer thing. I don't feel like I need to do them in the same colors - I'm not building an army. But I do like the fall colors on the other guy. So, I'm going to have to give that some thought.

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