Saturday, May 9, 2015

Speed Paint Pirate Mousling

I wanted to paint some, but since I am sick (picked up the ReaperCon cold that was circulating after all) I didn't want to work on any of the stuff I've got in progress. Too much effort when I'm feeling quite tired. So I decided to speed paint (speed for me, anyway) a mousling. He's not done, but with another hour or two he will be.

I did also work a little more on the tree base, just putting down some texture paste on the bottom. Next this guy will get an airbrushed base coat. Probably not until after I'm feeling better, though. I don't think trying to wear a mask with a head cold is a good idea. :p

One other thing from ReaperCon. I took my figures in a new figure case. Now, a ton of people have cases just like this. Many put stickers on them; it helps tell them apart. I had various of my artist friends draw on mine instead.

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