Sunday, July 26, 2015

Wizard: Robe Border

I didn't have a lot of time today, but I did get the rest of the border on his robes base coated. Still happy with the color.


  1. That robe looks great. That blue is almost exactly what I am looking to get out of my next group. How many layers/colors went in to that? Is there any chance you can post the colors you used? Cheers.

    1. Hi there!

      According to my notes, I used Reaper Master Series Breonne Blue (9055) as the base color for the robe. I shaded it with Carnival Purple, which is a Reaper limited release paint from a ReaperCon a couple years ago, but something like RMS Burgandy Wine (9025) or Violet Red (9026) would work just as well. I highlighted with RMS Ashen Blue (9057) and then with the Ashen Blue mixed with Linen White (9061).
