Sunday, September 15, 2024

Base: Attached. Drow: Attached.

 I finished off that ruined temple base and attached it to its...well, base. I realized too late that I probably should have put the back more toward the edge. I'd originally planned to put some green on it for lichen/moss, but decided I like it without.

I also shaded the inside of the drow's skirt and attached the leg. Doesn't really look that different.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Drow: Boots, Dress. Viking: Primer

Started next projects. Here's the drow that goes with the base from yesterday. I've done drow with red and purple clothing before a few times, and I want to do something different. Didn't have much idea what, picked a jewel tone blue. Already have doubts. I want to get the boots and the inside of the skirt done so I can glue her left leg in place (it's not attached yet), and the bottom of the dress done well enough that I can glue her on to the base before moving on the the rest.

Also got this guy primed and on his base. Not sure when I'm going to get to him, though.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 I worked on a couple of bases tonight. Went back to the big desert base and added some lining and rough shading around the carvings and in some of the spots between bricks and rocks. I was not super careful with this. Then I did some edge highlights and stippled some of the lighter color on the stone. I like it much better now. Probably should edge the square stones, though.

The areas with the carving ended up looking like there's some other substance there that has worn away. Wasn't was I was intending, but I like it.

Also worked on this. This base will go with a drow figure I'm prepping. The figure will cover most of it. I didn't have a lot of ideas for a scenic base that would be appropriate - she's just not a 'standing on grass' kind of model. So I went with something that isn't trying to be an environment. The figure is going to end up covering a lot of it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Finished Khepros today. Yay! 

I don't have anything new queued up quite yet; I'm still doing prep on next projects. I might try to get a second figure done this month but maybe not; I want to focus on getting the arena finished since it's so close, and then getting through the prep work for the next things.

I did go back to this base for a big monster that I started like 2 months ago:

I'm going for a sort of sandstone look. I was hoping for smaller stipples, but I like the way this turned out. I think I'm going to do some targeted shading and then a targeted final highlight on edges and such. Then I will deal with the patches of dirt/moss/lichen.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Khepros: Now, with shield!

 Finished off the metals on Khepros and attached his shield. Got a start on the base. Just have to finish off the base and he'll be done!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Khepros: Metals

 Got a base coat on all Khepros's metals today. I originally started out with everything bronze, but that was a whole lot of bronze. I switched the blade to steel to match other figures in the group, and then switched the helmet as well because it was still a lot of gold on the figure and the helmet has a more Roman design (in my very inexpert estimation). There is a down side to that, in that the steel doesn't stand out as well against the blue feathers.

I think I should be able to finish him this week.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Khepros: Linen, Accents

 Finished the linen on Khepros, then did the accents - the feathers on his helmet and a couple ties. Metal next - helmet, armor, sword, shield. Should be able to finish him up pretty quickly.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Khepros: Skin highlights, Cloth Base

 Got highlights on Khepros's skin; I think that's done now. I moved on to base coating the linen.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Khepros: Skin Shading

Did a second round of shading on Khepros's skin. Highlights next. Maybe fixing up the shadows on his left shoulder blade a bit.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Khepros: Skin Shading. Arena: Put together.

 Here's Khepros with a first round of shading on his skin:

Did not make as much progress on him as I was hoping to because I spent some time putting the arena sections together:

I need to do some gap filling on the pillars that just got put together, repaint those pillars, and then put on the pillar toppers. Then I can work on the base. I'm not sure why the gaps are as bad as they are; I think there might have been some movement as the glue cured.