Thursday, July 18, 2024

Natasha: Hair

I got back to Natasha today. Sigh. Some figures go real smooth. Others fight you at every step. I think she's going to be the second kind. 

I didn't feel like dealing with her skin, so I worked on getting a base coat on her hair. I had some trouble finding the kinds of colors I really wanted; it's darker than I want it to be. I'm not too concerned about that; I can leave this base color as a shadow and work up from there, and it'll be OK. I'm not sure about the two tone hair, but I'll probably stick with it. I need to soften the transition between the colors, though. I'm also going to have to spend some time on the eyebrows; I'm not sure why one is a delicate arch and the other is quite chonky. Also not sure I am happy with having them dyed. I might have a better answer to that once her face is done. Oh, and the hair colors got slopped onto her skin in a number of places. 

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