I did the shading and highlighting on Gjallr's pants, and then undercoated and base coated most of the metal. Next I'll finish the metal, and then I think do the fur cloak.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Gjallr: Skin, Hair, Pants
Got a lot done today. Finished shading and highlights on his skin, painted his hair (it helped that there's not much of it), and base coated his pants. Tried painting his eyeballs through the holes in the helmet, gave up and shaded them in. There are sculpted eyes in there, but they didn't seem to be even and level, and they're really hard to reach. I think just leaving the eye holes in the helmet dark will be a better choice.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Gjallr: Skin
Base coat and a couple rounds of shadow. I should be able to finish the skin and hopefully the hair next time.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Here's Hroka finished.
And the next piece. This is Gjallr, ready for paint tomorrow. He has a shield and an arm with an axe that are not yet attached.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Hroka: Shield
Got her shield painted and attached. I might need to mess with the details on the shield a bit, but it's just that and the base and she'll be done.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Hroka: Spear, Headdress
Finished the spear and her headdress, and then got a base coat on the sand. I need to do her shield and finish the base.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Hroka: Spear, Sleeve
Finished the chain mail sleeve and the spear tip. The rest of the spear is mostly done; I need to shade and highlight the leather wrapping and do the feathers. Then, the headdress. I think I have a decent idea what I'm going to do with it.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Hroka: Beads, Chainmail
I did her beads and got a base coat on the chainmail sleeve and the metal part of her spear. I think having the beads painted made a bigger difference than I was expecting. I'm going to finish the sleeve and the spear, and then I have to make some decisions about her headdress and shield.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Hroka: Hair, Leather
Finished shading and highlights on her hair and her pants. Not sure where I'll go next, probably either the chainmail sleeve or the beads on her chest. Or both.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Hroka: Skin, Face, Leather
I glazed over the highlights on Hroka's skin, then added a couple more lighter layers. I've done her face details, but with the angle she's at it doesn't show well (though I do need to go back and fix whatever is up with that chin highlight). I also got a base coat on her hair and her leather clothing.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Hroka: Skin
Got back to Hroka now that the duelist is done. I got shading and a round of highlight on her skin. I need to work on the highlights some more; I think I'm going to glaze them with the base color and then do another, smaller round with the highlight color. Also had some trouble with highlight placement on parts of her because she's in such a weird pose.
And I went back and fixed the tree stump on this guy.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Finished the duelist today - at least I thought so. I slopped some sand color on the tree stump and will go back and fix that. I'm still calling it done.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Duelist: Metal, Last Bits
Finished up the rest of the steel, and filled in the last of the leather. I think he's done except the base.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Duelist: Leather, Metal
Did shading and highlighting on some of the remaining leather bits, and base coated the remaining metal bits. Oh, and put a wash on the tree stump. It ended up a little darker than I wanted. There's actually not a lot left to do; I'm hoping I can finish him this weekend.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Duelist: Leather, Sand
Got a base coat on the leather straps and bits, and then base coated the sand he's standing on. Still debating on the color for the axe handle. Might shade and highlight the straps, then base coat some of the remaining metal bits next.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Duelist: Steel, Tree
Did shading and highlights on the blades and the necklace, and put a base coat on the dead tree he's standing on. Oh, and part of the bracer. Probably next I'll finish the bracer and start the belts and straps around his waist.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Duelist: Leather
Worked on the leather skirt/armor? thing. I don't love it, I might mess with it some more. Or I might not, I'm getting sick of this dude.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Duelist: Pants Highlights, steel
Today I got highlights on his pants and base coated some of the bits that are going to be steel - the blades and his necklace. Probably next will be shading and highlights on the dark brown skirt thing.