Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Arena: More walls done

 I did a drybrush on the rest of the arena walls and some of the pillar toppers, then put the pillar toppers in place. Next, I'll go back and clean up where the gray drybrush got a little out of hand. After that...not sure. I think that's when I'll really need to start making decisions about how I'm going to get it all put together and placed on its base.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Arena: Coming Together!

Since finishing Natasha, I've been taking this last week or so of the month to work on the arena. I'm happy to report that everything has been base coated and I've started the process of washing, highlighting, and putting pieces together. Here's the first chunk I've assembled:

Is it the best building ever? No, not hardly. But I'm very happy to be at this stage, finally. But as I assemble more, I also need to start thinking about how I'm going to put it on its base, and then the basing itself.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


As expected, finished up Natasha tonight. Definitely not my best piece every, but there are things I like about her - her eyes, the halter top - as well as things that have (lots of) room for improvement - her hair, probably some of the face details. But she's done enough and I am reasonably satisfied. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Natasha: Arm

 Finished Natasha's arm detailing today, and fixed up the join between the arm and the rest of the figure a bit by applying some putty. Tomorrow I'll paint the 'cut off'' portions black, and she'll be done. This is not my best work ever; there are many areas that could be improved. But this figure has been a struggle from the beginning and it's just gonna be a 'D' for 'Done Enough'. It was nice to try something different, and I'm not completely displeased with the results. I'm also glad to be moving on.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Natasha: Studs, Arm

 Since last time, I finished the studs on her collar and halter and got a base coat on everything on her arm. I've attached the arm and will do cleanup and the shading and highlighting that still needs to be done with it attached. The joint didn't go together quite clean, so I'll need to smooth that out as well. Almost there, though.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Natasha: Studs

 Started on the metal studs on her halter and collar. Finished the rings and the studs on the bottom of the halter. Forgot to put the base coat on the studs on the collar. Sigh. Anyway, I think I should be able to finish these parts next time. Then it'll be on to her arm.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Natasha: Halter, Collar

 Got highlights on Natasha's collar, and shaded and highlighted her halter top. I need to do the metal studs on both, and then the main part of the figure will be done. I'll just need to finish and attach her arm.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Natasha: Jewelry, Sunglasses

 Today I finished Natasha's nose ring and earrings, and painted her glasses and put them in place. I was thinking I'd go back to the halter next, but I need to remember to do the shaved upside-down cross on her head. Should probably do that next.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Natasha: Hair, jewelry

 Did more work on Natasha's hair today, adding some lighter highlights to the pinks and generally futzing with it, and then shading and highlighting the blue. I think it's better; I don't love it; I'm not sure if I'll work on it some more or not.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Natasha: Collar, Hair. Khepros: Skin

 Started tonight by base coating Khepros's skin. Nothing major here.

Then I went back to Natasha, base coated her collar, and then shaded and started highlights on the pink parts of her hair. Not thrilled with it. I think the highlights need to go up some more and that might help.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Natasha: Eyes, Halter

 I did Natasha's eyes, and then the base coat on her halter. Should really finish her hair next; once her hair and face details are all done I can put the glasses on her.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Natasha: Skin, Face

I stayed with Natasha today. Did some more shading and highlighting on her skin, and started on facial details. She's just not going to be my best piece every, but it felt like less of a fight today. I'm debating about her skin; I like the very light highlights since she's a vampire, but I might glaze them over slightly all the same. They seem a little off.