Thursday, October 17, 2024


At long last...the arena is done. Here it is, with some Arena Rex figures for scale.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Rocker: Skin

 Got a base coat on his skin. I might need to do another layer, at least in a couple places.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Rocker: Plinth. Aquila: Skin

 I realized I needed to paint at least part of the plinth for the rocker before attaching him to it, or I'd have trouble painting parts after. So, I did that, and then glued him on. For good or ill, he's attached now, and I can start working on him in earnest.

I had to give the glue time to set, though, so I worked on Aquilla, doing a base coat on his skin. There's a joint on his raised leg that I should have done some gap filling in, but I didn't. I'm trying to fill in with some sealer, so we'll see how that goes. That trick isn't really meant for irregularities of this size.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Rocker: Bottom Bits

I've been working on the arena the past few days, but it's hard to get decent pictures of. I'll try soon. Today I did get back to the bust a bit. I'm still working on the low parts that will be difficult to impossible to paint once it's attached to the plinth. I think I just need to do the speaker? amp? thing next, and it should be OK to glue him in place. I've also made some color choices. This guy is all about the drama...I think the gloves will be purple. Purple, red, black, and silver will be his colors.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Rocker: Guitar

Finished the guitar body. I need to make some color choices for the guitar's strap and another piece, parts of both of which need to be painted before I can put him on his plinth permanently. I meant to try to get a picture of the back, but forgot. Next time.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Aquila, Rocker

 Next projects! First, Aquila, another Arena Rex gladiator.

And, starting on this cyborg rocker guy. He needs a name. I had wanted to get farther on this today, but...yellow. Ug. This is about 6 coats and probably could use one or two more. I'm doing the guitar first because the bottom pieces will be inaccessible once I glue him to his plinth, and I want to glue him to his plinth.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


 Finished Nadia the Drow today. I'm gonna go with 'not bad'.