Friday, July 26, 2013


So, I was trying to finish off the bots today. I decided they really needed to go on proper bases - putting some dirt or sand down on the existing bases wasn't gonna cut it. What would they be doing out in the wilderness?

So, I found some resin flight deck bases I've got and painted 'em up. Then I tried cutting one of the bots off his base with a jeweler's saw. Can you guess which one? The blue one? With no feet? Yup.

So, the other two I got off the original bases by cutting the base apart with clippers. Worked much better (they still have feet), but I still have some touch up to so on them.

So, tomorrow I have to make the blue guy some new feet, and I'll probably finish putting the other two on their bases.The blue guy has extra long wires because they'll be the frame for his new feet.

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